Dom Fernández
(Barcelona, 1982)
fotógrafo documental
Graduado en dirección de cine y documental, trabajé creando vídeos en proyectos musicales y de graffiti. Con el tiempo, mi interés por contar historias de forma más directa y personal me fue acercando a la fotografía.
Partiendo de un concepto y utilizando la realidad, con estilo documental capturo notas que me ayudan a explorar cuestiones filosóficas o psicológicas para facilitar un debate a través de un ensayo visual personal.
documentary-style photographer
Graduated in film and documentary directing, I worked on video projects for music and graffiti. Over time, my interest in telling stories in a more direct and personal way led me to photography.
Starting from a concept and using reality, with a documentary style I capture notes that help me explore philosophical, psychological, and spiritual questions to facilitate a debate through a personal visual essay.
Awards and Honours
- 2024 - MFCF - Distinció de Mestre per la Federació Catalana de Fotografia
- 2023 London International Creative Competition - Official Selection
- Series - El niño que vendió el mundo. - 2023 IPA Int'l Photography Awards - Honorable Mention - Series -
People/Children - El niño que vendió el mundo. - 2023 Tokyo Int Foto Awards - Honorable Mention - Series -
People/Children - Pure Childishness - 2023 Budapest International Awards - Honorable Mention - Series -
People/Children - Pure Childishness - 2023 reFocus Awards New York - Bronze - Series - The kid who sold the world.
- 2023 PX3 Paris - Honorable Mention - Series -
Portraiture/Children - Pure Childishness - 2023 XXIV Ral·li fotogràfic Granollers es Revela - Theme Winner
- 2022 Tokyo Int Foto Awards - Honorable Mention - Series -
People/Children - Portrait of Fear - 2022 Px3 Paris - Silver Award - Series -
Portraiture/Children - Portrait of Fear - 2022 London International Creative Competition - Official Selection - Series -
The Lost Art of Keeping Our Children's Privacy - 2022 Black & White Spider Awards - Nominee Silhouette - Portrait of Fear III
- 2022 - EFCF - Distinció d'Excel·lència per la Federació Catalana de Fotografia
- 2021 Tokyo Int Foto Awards - Honorable Mention - Series - People/Children - The Lost Art of Keep Our Children Privacy
- 2021 Tokyo Int Foto Awards - Official Selection - Series - People/Culture - The Ego and the Sea
- 2020 Px3 Paris - Honorable Mention - Series -
Portraiture/Children - The Secret Art of Keep our Children Privacity - 2019 - ACEF - Distinción de Artista por la Confederación Española de Fotografía
- 2018 Px3 Paris - Honorable Mention - Portraiture / Culture - Thermal Traditions
- 2018 Sony World Photography Awards - Commended Open Culture - Thermal Traditions
- 2018 XX Ral·li fotogràfic Granollers es Revela - Winner - Color
- 2017 5è Ral·li fotogràfic de l'Ametlla del Vallès - Winner - Music theme
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2023 - Barcelona - Solo - The Lost Art of keeping our children's privacy - Biblioteca Casa de Cultura Joan Ruiz i Calonja - Sta Eulàlia de Ronçana
2023 - Barcelona - Solo - The Lost Art of keeping our children's privacy - Institut La Vall del Tenes - Sta Eulàlia de Ronçana
2023 - Barcelona - Solo - The Lost Art of keeping our children privacy - Sala Delger - Museu Thermalia, Caldes de Montbui
2022 - Paris - Collective - PX3 Paris Photo Prize Exhibition - Espace Beaurepaire Gallery, Paris
2018 - London - Collective - Sony World Photo Awards - Somerset House, London